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Diary - 2007 December




え、あれ、もう今年終り? え?


atdot.net をメンテナンスのためにこれから止めます。半日くらい。

サーバに到達できず、断念 orz 来年に持ち越し。


  • sudo aptitude install squid
    • これだと localhost しかアクセスできない。
    • これだけでいい、という噂もある。



Java object header elimination for reduced memory consumption in 64-bit virtual machines, Kris Venstermans, Lieven Eeckhout, Koen De Bosschere


Debian etch/AMD64 に vmware-server をインストールしようと頑張ってみる。色々はまったが、一番はまったのは ia32-libs がないとまともに使えない、という話。しくしく。

OpenBSD 4.2。適当にインストールしてみる。expat8.0がないので xbase4.2 をインストールしなければいけないらしいが、どこにあって何をすればいいかわからなかったんだけど、インストールCD-ROMの中からxbase4.2.tar.gz を探してきて、/ で展開すればおしまいだった。なるほど。

ld 用パスも通っていないので sudo ldconfig /usr/X11R6/lib/ でとりあえず。/etc/rc.conf に追記できるようだけど、どうなるやら。

debian インストール日記。

  • 基本的に console 使う。つらい。
  • CD で boot、ネットワークインストール。そのまんま。DHCP でインストールしてみたので(勝手に DHCP を使う)、後で固定IPアドレスにしなければ。
  • 再起動
  • user で入る
  • 結局 su する
  • とりあえず aptitude dist-upgrade をしてみると CD からパッケージをインストールしようとするので dist-upgrade をしておく
  • aptitude install sudo
  • visudo で ko1 がなんでも出来るようにしておく。nopasswd はサーバ機なので付けない(VMware のゲストの場合は NOPASSWD: ALL と書いている)
  • aptitude install openssh-server
  • /etc/network/interfaces を書き換えて static に
  • /etc/init.d/networking restart をやって更新 ... しない いつもここがわからないので、kernel のバージョンアップ(dist-upgrade で kernel が新しくなっていた)もかねて reboot
    • 西山さんによると、先に stop しないと dhcpd が残ったままになる、という話。
  • これで、laptop から入れるようになったので、コンソール捨て。つらかった。
  • とりあえず /etc/ssh/sshd_config を見る
    • PermitRootLogin yes えぇぇ
    • PasswordAuthentication no に
    • AllowUsers ko1 に
    • ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 を設定
  • 他 window で ssh で入れるか確認 -> 入れなかった orz
    • 原因は ~/.ssh の permission を 600 にしていたからだった。間抜け。


  • sudo aptitude install ntp
  • portmap, inetd, nfs-common は不要なので、とりあえず init.d/hoge stop で止める
  • rc2.d/ にあるので、こいつらを排除したい。なんかそういうコマンド無かったっけ。
  • debian スレてんぷれ wiki で探せなかった
  • set_rtc_mmss: can't update from 59 to 13 なんてメッセージが流れる
    • hwclock と system clokc が離れているからだそうで、hwclock --systohc で解決
  • update-rc.d を発見した。しかし、うまく使えない。やっぱり mv 使うしかないか。というわけで、いらない物を Sxxyy から Kxxyy に変更しておいた。

目的はファイルサーバなので、samba を入れなければ。

  • sudo aptitude install samba
    • 沢山パッケージが入った
  • ログインできない。ので smbpasswd でパスワード設定、出来ない。しょうがないので sudo smbpasswd ko1 として、やっと出来た。install 時に import xxx ってでてたのになあ。
  • chkrootkit, fail2ban, logwatch をインストール。ついでに zsh もインストール。
  • yoosee さんにそそのかされて、munin というものをインストール。どうなるんだこれ。
  • 西山さんにそそのかされて、rkhunter というものをインストール。
  • とりあえず apache 入れるか。
    • sudo aptitude install apache2
  • yoosee さんにそそのかされて、lm-sensors をインストールしてみる。
    • sensors-detect をやってみる。
  • munin で hdd 温度を見てみたい
    • sudo aptitude install smartctrl
    • ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/hddtemp_smartctl /etc/munin/plugins/
    • sudo /etc/init.d/munin-node restart

restart を忘れていた。

  • sudo aptitude install hdparm

HDD が凄く遅いのは、DMA モードがダメダメだから、ということらしい。ケーブルが問題、と。


_うえだ(Sun Dec 30 10:59:26 JST 2007)

 サーバ立てるだけなら FreeBSD とか CentOS の方が楽そうですが、Ruby な方は Debian 好きですよね:)。苦労を買っちゃうタイプなのでしょうか?

_kaoru(Sun Dec 30 15:18:41 JST 2007)

起動時に/usr/X11R6/lib/があれば ldconfig や shlib_dirsの設定は不要です。 私はxbaseからlibexpat.so.8.0だけを持ってきて/usr/lib/に置いています。 http://triaez.kaisei.org/~kaoru/diary/20071102.html#p01

_yoosee(Sun Dec 30 21:39:38 JST 2007)


_mrkn(Sun Dec 30 22:19:18 JST 2007)

 CentOS のサーバを借りていましたが,使い難いので debian をサポートしている方に乗り換えました.正直 debian が一番楽ちんです.

_うえだ(Mon Dec 31 13:13:08 JST 2007)

 ありゃりゃ、失礼しました。Red Hat 4 から入ったクチなので Debian は慣れないんですよね〜



[ruby-dev:32811] なんか口調が逆転している!







メディアのほうに、私の肩書きが色々載ってますが、東京大学大学院情報理工学系研究科創造情報学専攻 特任助教 が今の肩書きです。


http://www.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/edu/course/ci/admission.shtml には冬期募集が書いてないな。1/7-11 願書受付期間です。

http://www.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/edu/entra/index.shtml こっちにはあった。

_Yugui(Fri Dec 28 10:02:41 JST 2007)



お陰様で ruby 1.9.0 (development version) がリリースされました。皆様には大変お世話になりました。今後とも、どうぞよろしくお願いします。

いろんな反省があるんですが、一番まずかったのは 8 月に pre リリースを真面目に出さなかったことだよな...。どうすれば出せたんだろう。私一人が騒いでもきっと出なかっただろうし。難しい。


一般的に、仕事ではない ruby 開発者の人たち(まつもとさんはどうなんだろうか)が負う責務とはなんだろうか。私の立場はなんだろ。楽しいからやってきたけど、これからは楽しいだけでも無いんだろうな。





_なかむら(う)(Wed Dec 26 04:32:54 JST 2007)



@東京。 ぐったり。 寝なくてもなんとかなるもんだな。

FreeBSD はスタック周りがよくわからん挙動をしている。どうしたものか。


NetBSD 4.0 で以下の python コードの子供プロセスが死ぬことを確認.

import os
import threading

def f():
    for i in range(10): print "*",

th = threading.Thread(target=f, args=())

pid = os.fork()
print pid

th = threading.Thread(target=f, args=())

print "fin", pid


生きててごめんなさい orz

_斎藤ただし(Mon Dec 24 02:05:50 JST 2007)






  • 招待講演
    • Ian Piumarta 氏 (Viewpoints Research Institute)
    • 川合史朗 氏 (Scheme Arts)










というか,Tb が死亡したおかげで書いていた長文の胃が痛くなるメールが消えた.とても悲しい.


oprofile は便利なんだけど,複数のアプリケーション+カーネルの挙動を取ることが出来る反面,1つのアプリケーションの1実行,つまり gprof みたいな用途にはちょっと使いづらい様な気がしている.

具体的には,opcontrol --start するのと,--reset するのと違いがわからないというか.--reset だけでいいと思ったんだけど,なんかそうでもないらしいんだよな.

手元のマシンで取れるプロファイル.これだけあれば VTunes 要らんきがしなくもないけど,多分錯覚.

oprofile: available events for CPU type "Core 2"

See Intel Architecture Developer's Manual Volume 3, Appendix A and
Intel Architecture Optimization Reference Manual (730795-001)

CPU_CLK_UNHALTED: (counter: all)
	Clock cycles when not halted (min count: 6000)
	Unit masks (default 0x0)
	0x00: Unhalted core cycles
	0x01: Unhalted bus cycles
	0x02: Unhalted bus cycles of this core while the other core is halted
INST_RETIRED.ANY_P: (counter: all)
	number of instructions retired (min count: 6000)
L2_RQSTS: (counter: all)
	number of L2 requests (min count: 6000)
	Unit masks (default 0xcf)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
	0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
	0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
	0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L2_RQSTS.SELF.DEMAND.I_STATE_L2: (counter: all)
	L2 cache demand requests from this core that missed the L2 (min count: 6000)
	Unit masks (default 0x41)
	0x41: No unit mask
L2_RQSTS.SELF.DEMAND.I_STATE: (counter: all)
	L2 cache demand requests from this core (min count: 6000)
	Unit masks (default 0x4f)
	0x4f: No unit mask
LOAD_BLOCK: (counter: all)
	events pertaining to loads (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x3e)
	0x02: STA  Loads blocked by a preceding store with unknown address.
	0x04: STD  Loads blocked by a preceding store with unknown data.
	0x08: OVERLAP_STORE  Loads that partially overlap an earlier store, or 4K aliased with a previous store.
	0x10: UNTIL_RETIRE  Loads blocked until retirement.
	0x20: L1D  Loads blocked by the L1 data cache.
STORE_BLOCK: (counter: all)
	events pertaining to stores (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xb)
	0x01: SB_DRAIN_CYCLES	Cycles while stores are blocked due to store buffer drain.
	0x02: ORDER	Cycles while store is waiting for a preceding store to be globally observed.
	0x08: NOOP	A store is blocked due to a conflict with an external or internal snoop.
MISALIGN_MEM_REF: (counter: all)
	number of misaligned data memory references (min count: 500)
SEGMENT_REG_LOADS: (counter: all)
	number of segment register loads (min count: 500)
SSE_PRE_EXEC: (counter: all)
	number of SSE pre-fetch/weakly ordered insns retired (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x0)
	0x00: prefetch NTA instructions executed.
	0x01: prefetch T1 instructions executed.
	0x02: prefetch T1 and T2 instructions executed.
	0x03: SSE weakly-ordered stores
DTLB_MISSES: (counter: all)
	DTLB miss events (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xf)
	0x01: ANY	Memory accesses that missed the DTLB.
	0x02: MISS_LD	DTLB misses due to load operations.
	0x04: L0_MISS_LD L0 DTLB misses due to load operations.
	0x08: MISS_ST	TLB misses due to store operations.
	Memory disambiguation reset cycles. (min count: 1000)
	Unit masks (default 0x1)
	0x01: RESET	Memory disambiguation reset cycles.
	0x02: SUCCESS	Number of loads that were successfully disambiguated.
PAGE_WALKS: (counter: all)
	Page table walk events (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x2)
	0x01: COUNT	Number of page-walks executed.
	0x02: CYCLES	Duration of page-walks in core cycles.
FLOPS: (counter: all)
	number of FP computational micro-ops executed (min count: 3000)
FP_ASSIST: (counter: all)
	number of FP assists (min count: 500)
MUL: (counter: all)
	number of multiplies (min count: 1000)
DIV: (counter: all)
	number of divides (min count: 500)
CYCLES_DIV_BUSY: (counter: all)
	cycles divider is busy (min count: 1000)
IDLE_DURING_DIV: (counter: all)
	cycles divider is busy and all other execution units are idle. (min count: 1000)
DELAYED_BYPASS: (counter: all)
	Delayed bypass events (min count: 1000)
	Unit masks (default 0x0)
	0x00: FP		Delayed bypass to FP operation.
	0x01: SIMD	Delayed bypass to SIMD operation.
	0x02: LOAD	Delayed bypass to load operation.
L2_ADS: (counter: all)
	Cycles the L2 address bus is in use. (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x40)
	0xc0: All cores
	0x40: This core
L2_DBUS_BUSY_RD: (counter: all)
	Cycles the L2 transfers data to the core. (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x40)
	0xc0: All cores
	0x40: This core
L2_LINES_IN: (counter: all)
	number of allocated lines in L2 (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xf0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x30: prefetch: all inclusive
	0x10: prefetch: Hardware prefetch only
	0x00: prefetch: exclude hardware prefetch
L2_M_LINES_IN: (counter: all)
	number of modified lines allocated in L2 (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xf0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x30: prefetch: all inclusive
	0x10: prefetch: Hardware prefetch only
	0x00: prefetch: exclude hardware prefetch
L2_LINES_OUT: (counter: all)
	number of recovered lines from L2 (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xf0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x30: prefetch: all inclusive
	0x10: prefetch: Hardware prefetch only
	0x00: prefetch: exclude hardware prefetch
L2_M_LINES_OUT: (counter: all)
	number of modified lines removed from L2 (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xf0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x30: prefetch: all inclusive
	0x10: prefetch: Hardware prefetch only
	0x00: prefetch: exclude hardware prefetch
L2_IFETCH: (counter: all)
	number of L2 cacheable instruction fetches (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xcf)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
	0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
	0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
	0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L2_LD: (counter: all)
	number of L2 data loads (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xff)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x30: prefetch: all inclusive
	0x10: prefetch: Hardware prefetch only
	0x00: prefetch: exclude hardware prefetch
	0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
	0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
	0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
	0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L2_ST: (counter: all)
	number of L2 data stores (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xcf)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
	0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
	0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
	0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L2_LOCK: (counter: all)
	number of locked L2 data accesses (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xcf)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
	0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
	0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
	0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L2_RQSTS: (counter: all)
	number of L2 cache requests (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xff)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x30: prefetch: all inclusive
	0x10: prefetch: Hardware prefetch only
	0x00: prefetch: exclude hardware prefetch
	0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
	0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
	0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
	0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L2_REJECT_BUSQ: (counter: all)
	Rejected L2 cache requests (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xff)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x30: prefetch: all inclusive
	0x10: prefetch: Hardware prefetch only
	0x00: prefetch: exclude hardware prefetch
	0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
	0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
	0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
	0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L2_NO_REQ: (counter: all)
	Cycles no L2 cache requests are pending (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x40)
	0xc0: All cores
	0x40: This core
EIST_TRANS_ALL: (counter: all)
	Intel(tm) Enhanced SpeedStep(r) Technology transitions (min count: 500)
THERMAL_TRIP: (counter: all)
	Number of thermal trips (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: No unit mask
L1D_CACHE_LD: (counter: all)
	L1 cacheable data read operations (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xf)
	0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
	0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
	0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
	0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L1D_CACHE_ST: (counter: all)
	L1 cacheable data write operations (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xf)
	0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
	0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
	0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
	0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L1D_CACHE_LOCK: (counter: all)
	L1 cacheable lock read operations (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xf)
	0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
	0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
	0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
	0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L1D_CACHE_LOCK_DURATION: (counter: all)
	Duration of L1 data cacheable locked operations (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x10)
	0x10: No unit mask
L1D_ALL_REF: (counter: all)
	All references to the L1 data cache (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x10)
	0x10: No unit mask
L1D_ALL_CACHE_REF: (counter: all)
	L1 data cacheable reads and writes (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x2)
	0x02: No unit mask
L1D_REPL: (counter: all)
	Cache lines allocated in the L1 data cache (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xf)
	0x0f: No unit mask
L1D_M_REPL: (counter: all)
	Modified cache lines allocated in the L1 data cache (min count: 500)
L1D_M_EVICT: (counter: all)
	Modified cache lines evicted from the L1 data cache (min count: 500)
L1D_PEND_MISS: (counter: all)
	Weighted cycles of L1 miss outstanding (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x0)
	0x00: Weighted cycles
	0x01: Duration of cycles
L1D_SPLIT: (counter: all)
	Cache line split load/stores (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x1)
	0x01: split loads
	0x02: split stores
SSE_PREF_MISS: (counter: all)
	SSE instructions that missed all caches (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x0)
LOAD_HIT_PRE: (counter: all)
	Load operations conflicting with a software prefetch to the same address (min count: 500)
L1D_PREFETCH: (counter: all)
	L1 data cache prefetch requests (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x10)
	0x10: No unit mask
BUS_REQ_OUTSTANDING: (counter: all)
	Outstanding cacheable data read bus requests duration (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_BNR_DRV: (counter: all)
	Number of Bus Not Ready signals asserted (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x0)
	0x00: this agent
	0x10: include all agents
BUS_DRDY_CLOCKS: (counter: all)
	Bus cycles when data is sent on the bus (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x0)
	0x00: this agent
	0x10: include all agents
BUS_LOCK_CLOCKS: (counter: all)
	Bus cycles when a LOCK signal is asserted (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_DATA_RCV: (counter: all)
	Bus cycles while processor receives data (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_TRAN_BRD: (counter: all)
	Burst read bus transactions (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_TRAN_RFO: (counter: all)
	number of completed read for ownership transactions (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_TRAN_WB: (counter: all)
	number of explicit writeback bus transactions (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_TRAN_IFETCH: (counter: all)
	number of instruction fetch transactions (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_TRAN_INVAL: (counter: all)
	number of invalidate transactions (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_TRAN_PWR: (counter: all)
	number of partial write bus transactions (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_TRANS_P: (counter: all)
	number of partial bus transactions (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_TRANS_IO: (counter: all)
	number of I/O bus transactions (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_TRANS_DEF: (counter: all)
	number of completed defer transactions (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_TRAN_BURST: (counter: all)
	number of completed burst transactions (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_TRAN_MEM: (counter: all)
	number of completed memory transactions (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_TRAN_ANY: (counter: all)
	number of any completed bus transactions (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
EXT_SNOOP: (counter: all)
	External snoops (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x13)
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
	0x01: snoop: CMP2I snoops
	0x02: snoop: CMP2S snoops
CMP_SNOOP: (counter: all)
	L1 data cache is snooped by other core (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x01: snoop: CMP2I snoops
	0x02: snoop: CMP2S snoops
BUS_HIT_DRV: (counter: all)
	HIT signal asserted (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x0)
	0x00: this agent
	0x10: include all agents
BUS_HITM_DRV: (counter: all)
	HITM signal asserted (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x0)
	0x00: this agent
	0x10: include all agents
BUSQ_EMPTY: (counter: all)
	Bus queue is empty (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x40)
	0xc0: All cores
	0x40: This core
SNOOP_STALL_DRV: (counter: all)
	Bus stalled for snoops (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xc0)
	0xc0: core: all cores
	0x40: core: this core
	0x00: bus: this agent
	0x10: bus: include all agents
BUS_IO_WAIT: (counter: all)
	IO requests waiting in the bus queue (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x40)
	0xc0: All cores
	0x40: This core
L1I_READS: (counter: all)
	number of instruction fetches (min count: 500)
L1I_MISSES: (counter: all)
	number of instruction fetch misses (min count: 500)
ITLB: (counter: all)
	number of ITLB misses (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x12)
	0x02: ITLB small page misses
	0x10: ITLB large page misses
	0x40: ITLB flushes
INST_QUEUE.FULL: (counter: all)
	cycles during which the instruction queue is full (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x2)
	0x02: No unit mask
IFU_MEM_STALL: (counter: all)
	cycles instruction fetch pipe is stalled (min count: 500)
ILD_STALL: (counter: all)
	cycles instruction length decoder is stalled (min count: 500)
BR_INST_EXEC: (counter: all)
	Branch instructions executed (not necessarily retired) (min count: 3000)
BR_MISSP_EXEC: (counter: all)
	Branch instructions executed that were mispredicted at execution (min count: 3000)
BR_BAC_MISSP_EXEC: (counter: all)
	Branch instructions executed that were mispredicted at Front End (BAC) (min count: 3000)
BR_CND_EXEC: (counter: all)
	Conditional Branch instructions executed (min count: 3000)
BR_CND_MISSP_EXEC: (counter: all)
	Conditional Branch instructions executed that were mispredicted (min count: 3000)
BR_IND_EXEC: (counter: all)
	Indirect Branch instructions executed (min count: 3000)
BR_IND_MISSP_EXEC: (counter: all)
	Indirect Branch instructions executed that were mispredicted (min count: 3000)
BR_RET_EXEC: (counter: all)
	Return Branch instructions executed (min count: 3000)
BR_RET_MISSP_EXEC: (counter: all)
	Return Branch instructions executed that were mispredicted at Execution (min count: 3000)
BR_RET_BAC_MISSP_EXEC: (counter: all)
	Branch instructions executed that were mispredicted at Front End (BAC) (min count: 3000)
BR_CALL_EXEC: (counter: all)
	CALL instruction executed (min count: 3000)
BR_CALL_MISSP_EXEC: (counter: all)
	CALL instruction executed and miss predicted (min count: 3000)
BR_IND_CALL_EXEC: (counter: all)
	Indirect CALL instruction executed (min count: 3000)
BR_TKN_BUBBLE_1: (counter: all)
	Branch predicted taken with bubble 1 (min count: 3000)
BR_TKN_BUBBLE_2: (counter: all)
	Branch predicted taken with bubble 2 (min count: 3000)
RS_UOPS_DISPATCHED: (counter: all)
	Micro-ops dispatched for execution (min count: 1000)
MACRO_INSTS: (counter: all)
	instructions decoded (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x9)
	0x01: Instructions decoded
	0x08: CISC Instructions decoded
ESP: (counter: all)
	ESP register events (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x1)
	0x01: ESP register content synchronizations
	0x02: ESP register automatic additions
SIMD_UOPS_EXEC: (counter: all)
	SIMD micro-ops executed (excluding stores) (min count: 500)
SIMD_SAT_UOP_EXEC: (counter: all)
	number of SIMD saturating instructions executed (min count: 3000)
SIMD_UOP_TYPE_EXEC: (counter: all)
	number of SIMD packing instructions (min count: 3000)
	Unit masks (default 0x3f)
	0x01: SIMD packed multiplies
	0x02: SIMD packed shifts
	0x04: SIMD pack operations
	0x08: SIMD unpack operations
	0x10: SIMD packed logical
	0x20: SIMD packed arithmetic
	0x3f: all of the above
INST_RETIRED: (counter: all)
	number of instructions retired (min count: 6000)
	Unit masks (default 0x0)
	0x00: Any
	0x01: Loads
	0x02: Stores
	0x04: Other
X87_OPS_RETIRED: (counter: all)
	number of computational FP operations retired (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xfe)
	0x01: FXCH instructions retired
	0xfe: Retired floating-point computational operations (precise)
UOPS_RETIRED: (counter: all)
	number of UOPs retired (min count: 6000)
	Unit masks (default 0xf)
	0x01: Fused load+op or load+indirect branch retired
	0x02: Fused store address + data retired
	0x04: Retired instruction pairs fused into one micro-op
	0x07: Fused micro-ops retired
	0x08: Non-fused micro-ops retired
	0x0f: Micro-ops retired
MACHINE_NUKES.SMC: (counter: all)
	number of pipeline flushing events (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x5)
	0x01: Self-Modifying Code detected
	0x04: Execution pipeline restart due to memory ordering conflict or memory disambiguation misprediction
BR_INST_RETIRED: (counter: all)
	number of branch instructions retired (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xa)
	0x01: predicted not-taken
	0x02: mispredicted not-taken
	0x04: predicted taken
	0x08: mispredicted taken
BR_MISS_PRED_RETIRED: (counter: all)
	number of mispredicted branches retired (precise) (min count: 500)
CYCLES_INT_MASKED: (counter: all)
	cycles interrupts are disabled (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x2)
	0x01: Interrupts disabled
	0x02: Interrupts pending and disabled
SIMD_INST_RETIRED: (counter: all)
	SSE/SSE2 instructions retired (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x1f)
	0x01: Retired SSE packed-single instructions
	0x02: Retired SSE scalar-single instructions
	0x04: Retired SSE2 packed-double instructions
	0x08: Retired SSE2 scalar-double instructions
	0x10: Retired SSE2 vector integer instructions
	0x1f: Retired Streaming SIMD instructions (precise event)
HW_INT_RCV: (counter: all)
	number of hardware interrupts received (min count: 500)
ITLB_MISS_RETIRED: (counter: all)
	Retired instructions that missed the ITLB (min count: 500)
SIMD_COMP_INST_RETIRED: (counter: all)
	Retired computational SSE/SSE2 instructions (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xf)
	0x01: Retired computational SSE packed-single instructions
	0x02: Retired computational SSE scalar-single instructions
	0x04: Retired computational SSE2 packed-double instructions
	0x08: Retired computational SSE2 scalar-double instructions
MEM_LOAD_RETIRED: (counter: all)
	Retired loads (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0x1)
	0x01: Retired loads that miss the L1 data cache (precise event)
	0x02: L1 data cache line missed by retired loads (precise event)
	0x04: Retired loads that miss the L2 cache (precise event)
	0x08: L2 cache line missed by retired loads (precise event)
	0x10: Retired loads that miss the DTLB (precise event)
FP_MMX_TRANS: (counter: all)
	MMX-floating point transitions (min count: 3000)
	Unit masks (default 0x0)
	0x00: MMX->float operations
	0x01: float->MMX operations
MMX_ASSIST: (counter: all)
	number of EMMS instructions executed (min count: 500)
SIMD_INSTR_RET: (counter: all)
	number of SIMD instructions retired (min count: 500)
SIMD_SAT_INSTR_RET: (counter: all)
	number of saturated arithmetic instructions retired (min count: 500)
RAT_STALLS: (counter: all)
	Partial register stall cycles (min count: 6000)
	Unit masks (default 0xf)
	0x01: ROB read port
	0x02: Partial register
	0x04: Flag
	0x08: FPU status word
	0x0f: All RAT
SEG_RENAME_STALLS: (counter: all)
	Segment rename stalls (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xf)
	0x01: ES
	0x02: DS
	0x04: FS
	0x08: GS
SEG_RENAMES: (counter: all)
	Segment renames (min count: 500)
	Unit masks (default 0xf)
	0x01: ES
	0x02: DS
	0x04: FS
	0x08: GS
RESOURCE_STALLS: (counter: all)
	Cycles during which resource stalls occur (min count: 3000)
	Unit masks (default 0xf)
	0x01: when the ROB is full
	0x02: during which the RS is full
	0x04: during which the pipeline has exceeded the load or store limit or is waiting to commit all stores
	0x08: due to FPU control word write
	0x10: due to branch misprediction
BR_INST_DECODED: (counter: all)
	number of branch instructions decoded (min count: 500)
BR_BOGUS: (counter: all)
	number of bogus branches (min count: 500)
BACLEARS: (counter: all)
	number of times BACLEAR is asserted (min count: 500)
PREF_RQSTS_UP: (counter: all)
	Number of upward prefetches issued (min count: 3000)
PREF_RQSTS_DN: (counter: all)
	Number of downward prefetches issued (min count: 3000)

ウェブで簡単にグラフ(円グラフ,積み上げ棒グラフ等)を書くサービスはないかな.円グラフは見つけたんだけど.Excel にいちいち貼り付けるのが面倒くさい,という理由.

_もろはし(Tue Dec 18 12:39:53 JST 2007)

 http://code.google.com/apis/chart/ はどうでしょう?


rubybook-reading ML が消えてた.しまった.すみません,消そうと思ってスルーしたんじゃなくて,ただ単に私の処理速度が間に合わなかっただけです orz



  • 12/3 新しい方がいらっしゃる
  • 12/4 島根の方がいらっしゃる
  • 12/6 インタビューを受ける
  • 12/8 OSC 2007 福岡
  • 12/9 福岡から帰ってきてその後秋葉原
  • 12/10 東工大
  • 12/11 某社見学
  • 12/12 第47回超並列計算研究会,田中さんの話
  • 12/13 朝会議2本,筑波,新宿
  • 12/14 会議とか,ngcom とか
  • 12/15 RHG
  • 12/16 Rails勉強会,Ruby忘年会
  • 12/17 某社見学,YLUG


_a2c(Tue Dec 18 22:10:30 JST 2007)

 ML 俺も気づいてませんでした。まあ会そのものが無くなったわけではないので。

_ikegami--(Wed Dec 19 21:02:40 JST 2007)


Sasada Koichi / sasada@namikilab.tuat.ac.jp
$Date: 2003/04/28 10:27:51 $